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Nürnberg American High School Archive


An archive is a place or collection containing documents and other materials of historical interest and a repository for memories, so says the American Heritage Dictionary. And that’s what the NHS archive is: a place where you can take a nostalgic trip back to the time when you attended your all-time favorite school and a history site, the repository for the memorabilia of a unique school that was part of a unique educational initiative, the American Dependents School System.

The archive is arranged in chronological order, beginning with the first school year, 1946-47. This arrangement makes it easy for NHS alumni, faculty, and friends to go straight to the school year or years when they called NHS “their school.” Clicking on one of the school years will bring up an introductory page.  At the bottom of the page are links to the types of  files that are available on-line.  In the table below, letters after the year designation stand for the following types of files:

N = Newspapers, the “Looking Backward” series that contains excerpts from the extant school newspapers and in some cases complete newspaper files.

Y = Yearbooks, some of which contain alphabetical lists of school personnel

M = Memorabilia, may include memoirs, historical articles, programs of school activities, a commencement program, photos (with captions), etc.

CW = Creative Writing Booklets

If there is little or nothing in your school year at the present. It is the Archivist’s hope that one or more of your classmates will help fill in the gaps in the archive by sending material.

1940s 1950s 1960s
1970s 1980s 1990s

How You Can Add to the Archive

This online archive derives from the Nürnberg Alumni Association’s physical archives presently housed in the home of  the NAA Historian/Archivist, Martha Liehsel, Class of ’68.  Some archival items are electronic only and exist on the Archivist’s computer.

You, as a NHS alumni, faculty member, or staff person, can add to these archives by contacting the Archivist with the form below and letting him know what you would like to contribute. He will respond by telling you if the item or items you have are already in the archives and therefore not needed. If your item is wanted, you can contribute it in one of several ways. The most valuable way for the archives is to mail the original physical item to the Archivist at 104 Live Oak Loop Spur, Whitney, TX  76692.  If you do not wish to give up the item, she will mail it back to you when she has copied it. Alternatively, you can copy your item and mail the copy.  If requested, your mailing expenses will be reimbursed. Still a third way is to make an electronic copy of the item and send it to the Archivist at liehsel@windstream.net.

What is Wanted

Issues of the School Newspaper.

The extant copies of The Army Brat and the NHS Trichter vary greatly. A number of years are complete, but a larger number are completely empty.

The files for the following years are complete:

47-48, 49-50, 57-58, 58-59,

59- 60, 60-61, 61-62,

71-72, 72-73, 73-74.

The files for the following years are completely empty: 66-67 76-77, 78-79, and 80-81 through 94-95.

If you have any school newspapers in your attic, please contact the Archivist to see if you can fill in some of the blanks.


The physical yearbook files are nearly complete. There is no physical yearbook in the archives for 1949 but there is an online copy. Similarly there is no physical copy of the 1968 yearbook but one is on our website. There is no physical or online copy for the following years: 1987, 1993, 1994, 1995. If someone has a yearbook for any of these years, we hope they will contact the Archivist.

A number of yearbooks are already online, but we need volunteers who would be willing and have the capability to scan one or more of the following yearbooks:  1974, 1977, 1978, 1979, and 1980 through 1995. Please contact the Archivist to learn how to proceed.


We are looking for memoirs written by alumni telling about their time at NHS. A number of memoirs and historical articles that appeared in earlier years of the NAA Trichter have been already placed in the archive. We are waiting on yours.

Memorabilia can be almost anything you have saved that is related to the school: commencement programs, prom souvenirs, programs of various activities, sports records, report cards, letters, a Strassenbahn ticket, etc.


Practically everyone has a few photos from his school days. Many photos were placed on the old website. However, there was no organization of the pictures. If you have pictures you put up on the old website, we would like to place some of them in the archive We would also like pictures that have never been placed on the website.

Send your pictures using the form below with school year (or more precise date) indicated and people and events in the pictures identified. A jpg is the most desirable electronic format. If you have no scanning capability, mail the original photographs. They will be mailed back to you.

Donation Acknowledgment

If you contribute something to the archives, you will receive a donation acknowledgment and hearty thanks. But please don’t expect to find your contribution immediately on the website. Your archivist is only a volunteer and she’s way behind in sorting through contributions already received.

Send donations to Martha Liehsel

                                   104 Live Oak Loop Spur,

                                   Whitney, TX  76692 

                                   E-mail:  liehsel@windstream.net