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History Files


This tab is designed to complement the Archive tab. In the Archive, information is arranged by class year. In the History tab, information is gathered into subject categories — little historical essays. Below you will see the two histories presently available.

The History of the Alumni Association begins with a very brief history of Nürnberg American High School and then tells how the association came to be. The organization of the association is explained and officers through the years are named. All 11 reunions from 1988 to 2017 are described in words and pictures.  The history ends with the site for the next reunion. Pictures accompany the text throughout. Take a look.  

For easier reading, right click on the link and then select “open link in new window.” 

A History of the School Newspaper tells the story of “The Newspaper that Couldn’t Die.”  This essay is followed by “The Truth about der Trichter,” a legend that begins in Middle Ages and continues today in the city of Nürnbeg and in the NHS Alumni Association. These stories appeared in the Trichter in the summer issue of 2003.  They have been updated and corrected.

More historical essays are proposed.  Some people might be interested in how the school’s Alma Mater came about. 

The most challenging project would be a complete history of the school.  There is presently published in Wikipedia a truncated history of the school.  Several other brief histories of the school exist.  They generally terminate around the time the U.S. Army ceased to be the Army of Occupation in Germany and the U.S. and West Germany became allies.